Black man gets $45 milion settlement

Randy Cox a black man left paralyzed after he was handcuffed and placed in the back side of the police van without a seatbelt

New Haven City of Connecticut has seen the largest settlement in the history of United States

an abrupt stop cox slid The van came to an abrupt stop, which caused Cox to hit his head on the van door.Late on Friday night, city officials made an announcement regarding the settlement in Cox’s civil case. Cox and his legal team had previously filed a $100 million lawsuit in September against the city of New Haven and the police department.

New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker said all parties agreed on the $45 million settlement to resolve all claims against the city. Elicker said $30 million will be covered by the city’s insurance and the remaining $15 million will be paid out by the city.

The attorneys representing Cox described the settlement as “historic” and emphasized that it sends a powerful message to the entire country that there is a collective recognition of the need to surpass such situations and strive for improvement.

Attorneys Ben Crump, Louis Rubano, and R.J. Weber expressed in a statement that the “historic settlement” signifies the dedication of New Haven’s leadership to acknowledge the value of Randy Cox’s life and provide support during his ongoing challenges. They acknowledged that the city’s past mistakes have been extensively documented, but emphasized that this moment should be an opportunity to focus on the future. They expressed hope that New Haven residents can have confidence in both their city and their police department moving forward.

Mayor Elicker, in an interview with Connecticut Public, expressed the city’s intention to rectify the situation and make amends for the harm inflicted upon Randy Cox. He emphasized the importance of acknowledging the wrongdoing and making a sincere effort to address it.

New Haven Police Chief Karl Jacobson expressed remorse for the incident and recognized the importance of treating community members fairly and providing them with a voice. He acknowledged that they failed to listen to Cox’s pleas for help and that mistreatment of community members is unacceptable.

In a statement released on Friday night, Mayor Elicker condemned the treatment Randy Cox endured while in police custody, describing it as unacceptable. He emphasized the obligation to treat individuals in custody with dignity, respect, and ensure their safety and well-being. Mayor Elicker stated that Cox’s life and health were forever altered as a result of his encounter with the police, highlighting the need for accountability and improvement in how such situations are handled.

The settlement was announced shortly after the New Haven Board of Police Commissioners made the decision to terminate the employment of two police officers who were criminally charged in connection with their alleged mishandling of the Cox case. The Board voted on Wednesday, with four out of six commissioners in favor of firing officers Jocelyn Lavandier and Luis Rivera. Two commissioners chose to abstain from the decision. Another officer involved in the case, Ronald Pressley, was not terminated as he had already retired in January.

The fate of the remaining two officers, Sgt. Betsy Segui and Officer Oscar Diaz, is yet to be determined. The Board of Police Commissioners is scheduled to hold a special meeting on June 28 to vote on their employment status. All officers are facing misdemeanor charges of cruelty to persons and reckless endangerment.

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